Beaded Earrings Collection

COVID-19 information

Dear Customers,

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused and will continue to cause everyone stress and hardships. At NatureWish, we initiated very strict hygiene and protective measures months ago when the first news broke about the outbreak. All of our bracelets are produced and are packaged with the health and safety of our team and our customers in mind.

What we are not able to control is the effect COVID-19 is having on supply chain and shipping. We are currently provide Standard and Express Shipping. Provided the global courier we use remains fully operational and is able to continue to provide delivery to our key markets in the United States and Europe, we are able to produce and to ship our Morse Code bracelets to you.

Please stay at home, follow all the best guidelines available to keep you, your loved ones and other safe during this crisis and beyond. We wish everyone health! 

Warmest regards,
Jurate and the NatureWish team